
What Do You Know About Being Pregnant?

Everyone knows how pregnancy happens, but do you know what happens when you’re pregnant? Throughout this quiz, your gestational knowledge is going to be put to the test! Do you know as much about as someone who has given birth, or are you trying to impress the mother of your child? Either way, you’ll have a blast answering some of the most commonly asked questions about the miracle of life! 

Changing hormones cause the queasiness and vomiting some women experience during pregnancy. What's it called?

Correct! Wrong!

Not all women experience morning sickness, but it's the most common pregnancy-related ailment. Although it usually disappears by the 14th week, some women like Kate Middleton experience hyperemesis gravidarum, severe morning sickness, that can be debilitating.

Which of the senses can become more sensitive when you are pregnant?

Correct! Wrong!

The heightened sense of smell experienced during pregnancy has a lot more evolutionary science behind it than can be attributed to morning sickness. Researchers believe that it is a natural way for mothers to avoid eating things that may harm their developing babies.

How many weeks make up the average length of a normal pregnancy?

Correct! Wrong!

Although pregnancy is split into three-month-long sections called trimesters, the average pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. Babies born before 36 weeks are considered premature, and labor will rarely be induced before 38 weeks of gestation.

What name is given to the dark line that sometimes appears on a pregnant woman's abdomen?

Correct! Wrong!

In 75% of pregnancies, a linea nigra, or dark line, appears below the belly button and runs toward the pubic bone. Some women will see the line disappearing after delivery, but others will keep the line permanently.

When a pregnant women's partner is also experiencing pregnancy symptoms, what is it called?

Correct! Wrong!

It's not all that uncommon! In fact, there's a medical name for it. Couvade syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy can cause your partner to have pregnancy symptoms like nausea and heartburn. In some cases, it causes weight gain!

What Do You Know About Being Pregnant?
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